Qittle SMS Message Solutions

Qittle helps businesses create, customize and manage a mobile marketing initiative.

Archive for March 5th, 2010

Text Coupon

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A text coupon is becoming the more effective and “green” way for businesses to offer coupons to consumers. Often times when a business is marketing via text message, it will provide a special offer to consumers to get them to opt in. Once the consumer has opted in, they will receive this cell phone coupon right to their phone instead of going through the hassle of cutting it out and remembering to bring it at time of purchase.

A text coupon has huge potential for businesses’ advertising efforts. It offers the ability to target market to specific audiences—only those who are interested in the product and have opted into the service. A company will not waste money on printing coupons that go out to anyone and everyone. Also, as most people carry their cell phone at all times, there will be more of a chance they will have the cell phone coupon at time of purchase.

There are different ways to use these text coupons.  For instance, a customer might receive an SMS with a numeric coupon code which will then be entered into the store register when a purchase is actually finalized.  Another way is through MMS, whereby the customer can show the coupon to the cashier who would scan the barcode on the image.

Because a text coupon is delivered right to a consumer’s phone, it is also more environmentally friendly than printable coupons. A person will have only those coupons that they want and all stored in their handheld device. A text coupon is more convenient and with the rise of smartphones, are the marketing wave of the near future.

If you have a business and want to offer text coupons to your customers, contact Qittle(TM) at 866.606.7151 and they can get you on your way.


Written by courtneyalexasmith

March 5, 2010 at 2:22 pm

Mobile Marketing Campaign for Radio Stations

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Written by Casey McConnell

March 5, 2010 at 7:59 am